Please set up a direct debit of £182 to be paid on the first of every month. Account details are as follows:Account name: Acetutorplus LLP Sortcode : 20-54-25 Account number : 70714011
£180 includes 5 mock exams and 45 hours of video solutions of Maths past papers from various areas. All Maths papers will be set as a homework.
I have calculated only for 45 lessons. On Summer holidays there will three weeks off but I will cover those lessons in different dates. I will update the dates soon.
Week 49 - WC 4/8/25
Week 50 - 11/8/25
Holiday Weeks
Week 9 - WC 28/10/24
Week 10 - WC 4/11/24
Week 11 - WC 11/11/24
Week 17 - WC 23/12/24
Week 18 - WC 30/12/24
Week 31 - WC 7/4/25
Week 32 - WC 14/4/25
Week 47 - WC 21/7/25
Week 48 - WC 28/7/25
Week 49 - WC 4/8/25
Papers to buy
GL Papers link
Please buy a new notebook and send it with the children. It is for building vocabulary.
CGP Papers link
Online Lesson Link
Lesson links
Account Details :Please set up a direct debit of £182 to be paid on the first of every month. Account details are as follows:Account name: Acetutorplus LLP Sortcode : 77 - 70 -70 Account number : 00023424
Week 1 - starting from 2/9/24
GL Pack 1 - Maths Paper 1 & Verbal Reasoning Paper 1
Compound words Set 2
Fill in the blanks
GL Assessment Verbal Reasoning Sample Paper 1
Verbal Reasoning_1_Answer Sheet
Verbal Reasoning paper 1 answers
Verbal Reasoning_1_Test Booklet
Please do CGP NVR Pack 1 - Paper 1 - (Section 5, Section 6 ), Paper 2 - ( Section 5 , Section 6). Please do one section a day.
Find and write down the different types of string instruments in the vocabulary notebook.
Week 2 - starting from 9/9/24
GL Pack 1 - English Paper 1
Finding the missing 3 letter word
Fill in the blanks
GL Assessment Verbal Reasoning Sample Paper 2
Verbal Reasoning_2_ Test Booklet
Verbal Reasoning_2_Answer Sheet
Verbal Reasoning paper 2 answers
CGP NVR - Paper 1 - Section 4, Paper 3 - Section 5 and 6 , Paper 4 - Section 1 and 66
Find and write down the different types of wind instruments in the vocabulary notebook.
Please send the children the GL Maths Pack 1 and CGP NVR Pack 1 starting from Week 3, and continue sending them every week.
Week 3 - starting from 16/9/24
Here’s your task: A male chicken is called a rooster, the female is called a hen, and the baby is called a chick. I want you to find similar names for other animals. Look up what the male, female, and baby are called for as many animals as you can. Write them down, and be ready to share with the class!
GL Pack 1 - Paper 2 Maths & Verbal Reasoning
GL Assessment Verbal Reasoning Sample Paper 3
Verbal Reasoning_3_Test Booklet
Verbal Reasoning_3_Answer Sheet
Verbal Reasoning paper 3 answers
Fill in the blanks
Compound Words
Spelling mistakes
English Comprehension
Please send the children the GL Maths Pack 1 and CGP NVR Pack 1 starting from Week 3, and continue sending them every week.
Please do CGP NVR Paper 1 - S1, S2, S4, S5 & S6. CGP NVR Paper 2 - S2, S3, S5 & S6
Week 5 - starting from 30/9/24
Different kinds of gemstones
GL Pack1 - Maths P3 & Verbal Reasoning P3
Finish GL NVR - Paper 1
Fill in the blanks
Missing three letter word
Most Similar Set 1
Week 6 - starting from 7/10/24
GL Pack1 - English Paper 3
Finish GL NVR - Paper 2
Findout different kinds of collective nouns
Please send the children with GL NVR pack1.
Spelling mistake
Week 7 - starting from 14/10/24
GL Pack 2 - Paper 4 Maths & P 4 Verbal Reasoning
Finish GL NVR - Paper 3
Fill in the blanks
Compound Words
Missing three letter word
Find out different kinds of habitat
Find out different kind of trees.
Noun and Its Types in English Grammar | All About Nouns | Proper/Common/Collective Nouns. Please ask the children to watch the video.
Week 8 - starting from 21/10/24
GL Pack 2 - English Paper 4
Finish GL NVR - Paper 4
Spelling mistake
Week 9 - starting from 28/10/24 - Holiday Half term
GL Pack 2 - Paper 5 Maths & P5 Verbal Reasoning
Fill in the blanks
Compound Words
Missing 3 letter word
Week 10 - starting from 4/11/24 - Holiday
GL Pack 2 - English Paper 5
Spelling mistake
Week 11 - starting from 11/11/24 - Holiday
GL Pack 2 - Paper 6 Maths & Paper 6 Verbal Reasoning
Fill in the blanks
Compound Words
Missing three letter word
Week 12 - starting from 18/11/24
GL Pack 2 - NVR all the papers
GL Pack 2 - English Paper 6
MGS 2020 Arithmetic A
Spelling mistake
Non Verbal Reasoning - Most Similar
English Comprehension
Find out different kinds of currencies
Week 13 - starting from 25/11/24
GL Pack 3 - Paper 7 Maths & Paper 7 Verbal Reasoning
Fill in the blanks
Compound Words
Missing 3 letter word
Percentages Revision
Ratio revision
NVR Revision - Complete the grid
Week 14 - starting from 2/12/24
GL Pack 3 - English Paper 7
MGS 2020 Arithmetic B
Spelling mistake
Week 15 - starting from 9/12/24
GL Pack 3 - Paper 8 Maths & Paper 8 Verbal Reasoning
Fill in the blanks
Compound Words
Missing 3 letter word
Fractions Revision
Reading the scales
Week 16 - starting from 16/12/24
GL Pack 3 - English Paper 8
MGS 2019 Arithmetic A
Spelling mistake
Spatial - Horizontal Reflection
Maths - Revision
Please send the children CGP Spatial Reasoning books in the New Year. If you haven’t purchased these books yet, you can find them using the link provided.
CGP Spatial Reasoning link - copy the link and paste it in the browser.
Week 17 - starting from 23/12/24 - Holiday
GL Pack -3 Paper 9 Maths & Paper 9 Verbal Reasoning
Fill in the blanks
Compound Words
Missing 3 letter word
Please finish all the CGP Non verbal Reasoning papers
CGP Spatial book2 - Test3 Q5 - Q8, T10 - Q11-14, T17 Q6 - 9, T25 Q10 -13, T30 Q5-8, T33 Q11-14. If you don't have book 1 please do these questions on book 2